package scales.xml.impl

import scales.xml._
import scales.utils.collection.Tree

// XmlBuilder, XmlChildren
final class TreeProxy( private[this] var _elem : Elem, private[this] val _builder : XmlBuilder){
  @inline def elem = _elem

  @inline def setElem( elem : Elem ) {
    _elem = elem

  @inline def builder = _builder

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

 * Mutable list that keeps the item creation to a minimum, no extra garbage here until the parse is done...
 * NOTE this is effectively an internal structure, but is provided for user land performance tweaks
class TreeProxies( ){
  import ScalesXml.xmlCBF

  // special case root tree
  var rootTree : XmlTree = _
  private[this] var _depth : Int = -1

  private[this] var _proxies : Array[TreeProxy] = Array.ofDim[TreeProxy](50)

   * Strips a path from the current position to the top of tree.  The
   * existing cached trees are then effectively re-created without the current position (one depth less)
  def proxyPath() : XmlPath = {
    var d = _depth
    val l = _current

    val te = l.elem
    val tcc = l.builder.result
    var elems = Array.ofDim[Elem](if (d < 0) 0 else d)
    while( d > 0 ) {
      d -= 1

      elems(d) = _proxies(d).elem


    var p = noXmlPath

    // add them back
    d = 0
    while( d < elems.length ){
      beginSub(elems(d), XmlBuilder())
      // add child to path
      p = addAndFocus(p, elems(d))
      d += 1
    p = addAndFocus(p, te, tcc)

   * Pushes up the tree discarding the last, if its the top it "resets" the tree
   * Note unlike Paths, there is only the notion of last child on the parent depth.
  def proxyRemoveAndUp() : TreeProxies = {
    val nd = _depth - 1

    if (_depth > 0) {
      _current = _proxies( nd )
      // scrap the last
      //val r = _current.builder.result
    } else {
      // end of doc
      rootTree = null.asInstanceOf[XmlTree]
      _current = null.asInstanceOf[TreeProxy]
    if (nd > -2)
      _depth = nd
      _depth = -1

   * Keeps the same _proxies array but resets the rest.  The old proxies is
   * no longer usable.
   * WARN - as per class docs this is effectively an internal structure caveat empor
  def reuse() : TreeProxies = {
    // size is not redone so we keep builders around
    _depth = -1
    rootTree = null.asInstanceOf[XmlTree]
    _current = null.asInstanceOf[TreeProxy]

  // current max size in the proxies (_proxies.length could be far larger)
  private[this] var _size = 0

  private[this] var _current : TreeProxy = _

 * interface for TreeOptimisations below, don't penalise normal parsing
  def current = _current
  def current_=( tp : TreeProxy ) {
    _current = tp 
  def depth = _depth
  def depth_= ( newDepth : Int ) { _depth = newDepth }
  def proxy( depth : Int ) = _proxies( depth )

  def addChild( i : XmlItem ) {

  def elementEnd() {
    val l = _current

    val newTree = Tree(l.elem, l.builder.result)
    if (_depth > 0) {
      _depth -= 1
      _current = _proxies( _depth )
    } else {
      // end of doc
      rootTree = newTree
      _depth -= 1

  def beginSub( elem : Elem, builder : => XmlBuilder) {
    _depth += 1
    if (_depth == _proxies.length) {
      // double the size
      val ar = Array.ofDim[TreeProxy]( _proxies.length * 2 )
      Array.copy(_proxies, 0, ar, 0, _proxies.length)
      _proxies = ar

    if (_depth == _size) {
      _current = new TreeProxy(elem, builder)
      _proxies(_depth) = _current
      _size +=1
    } else {
      _current = _proxies(_depth)
      _current.builder.clear() // don't create a new one

   * Only call when its the end of the parse
  def tree = 
